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Tc Electronic Konnekt 6 Driver Mac Download Updated

Tc Electronic Konnekt 6 Driver Mac Download

Konnekt 24D non connecting on macbook pro retina 15" mid 2015

Hello at that place
I am havin a a problem with my konnekt 24D and macbook pro retina 15"mid 2015
I downloaded and installed the tc nearly control panel .
Conected properly everything
  on organization study  on my mac the thunderbolt adapter is recognised . Also on firewire report the konnekt  24D its recognised . The tc near control console doesn't discover the device
I tried on other mac's and its working fine
Everythimg its updated on the latest version on my mac but i dont know what to practice anymore . I really could use some help ...

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Desktop konnect vi

Hello everyone,

My Desktop Konnect 6 audio interfaces non works on Loftier Sierra. When I open tc well-nigh command pannel, I take this display bulletin : no device institute... looking for devices. My connection Firewire is fully functional.

Any idea ?


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Desktop konnect 6

Howdy everyone,

My Desktop Konnect 6 audio interfaces not works on High Sierra. When I open up tc near control pannel, I accept this brandish message : no device constitute... looking for devices. My connection Firewire is fully functional.

Any thought ?


driver for konnekt 6

How-do-you-do! Please assistance!  I have sound card Konnekt half-dozen on mac bone x 10.13.3 (Hight Sierra) I installed drivers on system but information technology doesnt support. I need to ringlet back on latest version mac os or waiting update drivers?

Konnect viii

Bonjour tout le monde,

désolé pour le français, mais après tout, pourquoi pas.

Question :
Faut-il réinstaller les drivers d'origine (via CD ou téléchargés), et faire ensuite la dernière mise à jour ? Ou la dernière mise à jour suffit-elle à raccorder la Konnect 8 à l'ordinateur ?

En l'état :
Je suis passé à l'Os ten.12 (Sierra) et depuis, ma carte Konnect 8 northward'est plus reconnue, ni dans les préférences du IMAC (Son), ni par le TC Near Control Console, qui indique

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commuter for konnekt 6

Hello! Please help!  I take sound card Konnekt half-dozen on mac os ten x.13.3 (Hight Sierra) I installed drivers on arrangement but it doesnt back up. I need to coil dorsum on latest version mac os or waiting update drivers?

Connect 2x Konnekt 48 together

Hello I use Cubase 9,v on a PC and I accept had a Konnekt 48 with a Behringer ADA8000 for many years, and information technology has never failed me.

I just got a second Konnekt 48 and daisychained them together simply past connecting a firewire cablevision from the Old unit of measurement to the new ane. Both units shows up in the control panel and the Old one has the green «K» circle on it and shows upward as master.

Q1: How can I get the Old to be the unit that sends sound to the chief out and headphones out for both the units?

Q2: Is in that location a limitation that I tin only hear 6 channels from the new device? (I can only add 6 extra in the tc most)

If I turn of the New K48 everything is fine, but when I plough it on the daw sends to that unit where there is no speakers continued even though the Quondam one stays as Master.

I use ADAT on the quondam as sync source.

Impact Twin - no device found w/High Sierra 10.13.four

Hullo - ever since latest OS Ten update the impact twin is non being detected by the TC near control panel nor Logic.  It is however showing upwards in System written report:


  Manufacturer:    TC Electronic
  Model:    0x27
  GUID:    0x1660409C02563
  Maximum Speed:    Upward to 400 Mb/sec
  Connection Speed:    Upwardly to 400 Mb/sec
ImpactTwin Unit:
  Unit of measurement Software Version:    0x1
  Unit Spec ID:    0x166

I just upgraded over the weekend.  Are others experiencing this?


Konnekt 48 Pre-amps Not Working Properly

I am having issues with my Konnekt 48 pre-amps and wondering whether it is a hardware or software issue. I believe I have the latest drivers, but before I go and re-install I wanted to check whether there was much bespeak.

About a yr ago my Konnekt 48 died (power supply) and was repaired, and I think the trouble stemmed from that time.

- Mic/inst 3 works completely as expected.

- Mic/inst four partially works, but the level is much lower than three.

- Mic/inst 1 and ii piece of work, but the gain pots do nada, and the level is quite depression.

This is checking with the same microphone and mic atomic number 82, using I am not a newb. I've checked the PAD switch is off and I've fabricated sure the mic pb and mic are ok.

I need a tech support guy who knows a bit about how the konnket 48 is put together - I would have thought the pre-amps were discrete electronics, but this smacks of a software event. I accept tried re-installing software in the past with no effect.

I really need the pre-amps to work and I don't demand anything more than the Konnekt 48 - it suits my purposes perfectly.

Studio Konnekt 48 Repair

I have a Studio Konnekt 48 soundcard.
It stoped working properly a week agone. I removed top cover.
When you ability on device it shows TC on front screen, and so debug leds ligthning up (they are LD1 and LD3 on scheme that I have establish) and screen shuts off.
What it could be? How can I get the cause of this problem?

I was told that maybe internal power supply is broken. Where I tin go new ane to replace current.

Respectfully, Dima.

Level Pilot Impedance / Pot value?

I was surprised to see that the impedance of the Level Airplane pilot is not listed in the specifications on it's web page.

A passive attenuator volition behave differently based on the input and output impedances of the equipment information technology is connected to.

Can someone please measure their unit or if anyone has opened theirs for cleaning, can you tell me the value of the pot?

TC Studio Konnekt 48 - no audio :(

Everytime, after rendering a projection in Cubase ix.5 my audio interface stops to work (no sound)
Here my setup:

Computer: MacPro (mid 2012)
MacOS: High Sierra x.13.half dozen
Audio Interface: TC Studiokonnekt 48 (3.6.1f34)

I've already contacted Steinberg simply they said that the sound interface needs an update where the whole tc electronic community is waiting for years now...

BTW a simple on and off resolves the trouble just it's very annoying after a while wink

Hope someone has some other news, tips or perchance a workaround?

Thanks smile

Dying Konnekt 48 ?

Today my Konnekt 48 refused to boot. No initialzation process, I take the blueish power LED blinking instead.

What does that mean ?

Impact twin osx Lion x.7.v not being recocnized

Hoping someone can help me out.  Trying to use my firewire Impact Twin with my older 17

Touch twin osx Lion 10.7.5 not being recocnized. Need old driver?

Hoping someone tin help me out.  Want to utilise my Old Macbook Pro running Lion 10.7.5 for my recording.
Zippo showes up in organisation preferences audio I'm assuming because I do non have the commuter installed.

Is at that place any identify I tin can find the erstwhile driver that works with this older osx release?  Maybe it'south TC Near Driver iii.0?


Tc Electronic Konnekt 6 Driver Mac Download

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